
Contact Us
The Labyrinth Garden Earth Sculpture is maintained solely by volunteers. Any person in the community is invited to be involved in this ongoing process. People in condo associations and senior-living complexes are especially encouraged to participate, thus affording them the opportunity to garden again. Gardening is known to help keep the mind and body healthy and active, as well as being another outlet for social interaction. The Labyrinth Garden Earth Sculpture has the power of the labyrinth working for it, combined with the perennials, annuals, herbs, bulbs and ornamental grasses. The power is multiplied many times over, by the volunteers from all walks of life who maintain this interactive community labyrinth.
We are always looking for volunteers to help maintain the Labyrinth. You may volunteer to care for a 2′ x 15′ section of the Labyrinth. The sections may be shared, and the garden are automatically irrigated. Please contact us to get involved, Barb (262) 338-6903 or Mary (262) 338-0362.